Lead, your way
Guiding your team to their full potential starts with you uncovering yours. Together, we’ll maximize your strengths, identify your opportunities, and find your signature style.
Why coaching?
Having a coach means there’s always someone in your corner – helping you set leadership goals, navigate workplace challenges, and hold yourself accountable. As an executive leadership coach, I help leaders clarify what success means to them and encourage the work, momentum, and accountability to achieve it.
Leadership Coaching
Ideal for leaders in transition, 1:1 sessions unpack your growth opportunities, set your leadership goals, and stress test solutions.
Think of it like office hours. These drop-in appointments enable leaders of all levels to receive coaching — virtually or in person.
Skill Workshops
Small group instruction designed to be quick, interactive, and engaging so that your team develops new skills and techniques.
From strategic planning to design leadership methods, consulting provides expert counsel based on your company’s needs.
Who’s Emily?
Coaching is about you, not me, but I know that before making this choice, you’ll want to know who you are investing with. For the past 30 years, I’ve been a brand builder and business leader at Procter & Gamble, passionate about helping people grow and achieve their goals. Now, as a certified leadership coach, I’ve added executive level training on coaching and development as well as professional certification experiences.
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